“I reached out to RESQ Youth International, due being impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic. Abigail the Founder of this Non-Profit organization was able to facilitate a COVID-19 Emergency care package! Her sense of urgency didn’t go unnoticed. I am grateful for all the individuals who assisted in executing this “Act of Service” by assisting my family! My Angels!
Grateful Mother
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Abigail Hamilton, the Executive Director of ResQ Youth International is looking to raise money for her non-profit. I worked at ResQ the summer after my first year of university and I must say that the work that is done here changes the lives of many youth who encounter multiple barriers to personal, educational and professional success. Ms. Hamilton works tirelessly to ensure that any young person who walks through the doors of ResQ feels welcomed and becomes empowered. Please donate what you can. Donations of any amount will make a difference.
Shantel Watson
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